June: In the past, I’ve used this time at the beginning of each month to share with you what I plan on doing. However for this month, it’s going to be a bit different than the others. And it’s because I have a lot of work to do when it comes to becoming anti-racist. This is my main focus for this month and all of the months after that. The work never stops and this is a lifelong commitment. Black Lives Matter.
I’m feeling uncomfortable. I’m feeling sick to my stomach. I’m feeling embarrassed. Which is good. I should be feeling all of those things. It’s taken way too long for me to wake up and realize what’s happening to Black people and more importantly, what WHITE PEOPLE are doing. It’s also taken me way too long to really learn the history of the United States. This country was built on the backs of Black people for white power and white supremacy – and it still is today.
I highly highly recommending listening to this podcast: Seeing White. This podcast was published in 2017 and it’s just as relevant now if not ever. The 14-part series talks about white history – from the very beginning. It goes into the details about race. The biology of race (spoiler alert: there is no scientific proof that white, black, brown, etc., exists because of your genetic makeup. White people created those terms out of power). As white people, now’s the time to take a hard look into whiteness and into the white supremacy world we live in.
For this month, I’m looking forward to:
Reading White Fragility – it should be delivered within the next week.
Watching these 5 series on Netflix to educate myself on black oppression.
Becoming aware of wonderful Black influencers in the conscious living space – including interiors, zero waste, ethical fashion. I’ll be doing a round up soon on this. I should’ve been following them a long time ago – shame on me.
Having hard conversations with friends + family about whiteness. Watch this video on how you should be having these conversations with your people.
Reading + listening to this book podcast – The Stacks.
Celebrating my 28th birthday with my husband. I most likely won’t be able to see anyone and that’s okay. It will still be a great day spent with Alex – and a great time of my life for reflection.
Continuing to educate myself on racism in all aspects of my life.
I hope you have a great month of educating, learning, donating, protesting and becoming a better person. Let’s take this historical opportunity to keep the movement going because Black Lives Matter.
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